Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good Advertising

always liked companies that spent the extra effort to make their products stand out with packaging and clever commercials. in this case a really well cut trailer for 'where the wild things are' has suddenly made it one of my must see movies. i think i've read the book as a kid, but i really don't remember. the production and style of the movie looks very promising and stays true to some of the original elements. too bad embedding has been disabled but here you go:

another one is for the new halo 3 odst game, which even though i don't have an xbox360 has kind of made me a fan of halo. very well done and lots of money put into the marketing machine utilizing live action. the old halo3 commercials were very good as well, really liked their motto 'finish the fight'

and here's one more bit of advertising that's more of the clever side: dog food advertising with nutri balance... give your dog bad food, prepare to get stabbed in the back


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