Thursday, August 20, 2009

Taiwan Typhoon Relief

I'm sure a lot of people know what's going on in Taiwan right now, so here's a video I read about on The two singers are Emily and Susan Hsu, and even though they've already reached their Youtube donation goal, they're still donating $1 for every $1 spent on their band Exit Clov's website, so if you like their music..

Here's another way to donate listed in their video description:
Please pass this on to any friends!! Just by watching the video, you'll be helping to support the cause. Feel free to make your own donation/pledge, starting as low as .01 cent per hit/view (=$5 at 500 hits/views). Anything helps! Just email us ( with your pledge amount. If we get enough responses, we'll post anonymous pledges on our blog ( to celebrate the goodwill.

Pledges are not binding, just an honor system - you can send your tax-deductible donation to the Taiwanese Association of America (info below) or any of the organizations listed at

Taiwanese Association of America
Mrs. Ling Ling Huang, Treasurer
199 Bluejay Dr.,
Columbus, OH 43235
Phone (614) 888-6501
TAA-USA is a 501(C)3 tax exempt entity. Therefore your donation is tax-deductible. http://taa-usa.or.


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