Thursday, August 27, 2009

Finally, PS3 is cheaper

Damn it's about time... PS3 has always been way overpriced (compared to Wii and Xbox360) even though it's the only system that can read Bluray. I paid waay too much for mine, but the novelty of the limited edition claimed the nerd in me :(

But if you want a Bluray player, this is definitely the way to go, $300 is great value for what the PS3 can do: media streaming (basically you can watch or listen to whatever you have on your computer and PS3 will upscale it to near hi-def quality depending on the source material), hi-def video and audio playback, web browsing, and even if gaming is the last thing on the list for you, all the stuff listed above it is worth the cost compared to the price of standalone bluray players on the market right now. Plus, the price dropped PS3 is a new unit that's smaller and sleeker, uses less power and comes with a 120 gb hard drive (!@$% mine is only 40 and I paid way more than $300). From a media standpoint the PS3 is a beast, but if games matter to you, it's not as easy to choose.  But of course if you're filthy rich.. haha


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